It's Friday, so time for another diary. Yaay! Although I spent most of the week inside because of a bacteria I brought home with me from Colombia that keeps making me sick, I managed to get some pics together of nice moments this week. So what are you looking at? 

me, waiting for the train. last weekend was reunion weekend with the fam-in-law. we had to travel around the country to be there, but is was nice. the weather was great and the place was beautiful, but all together a bit too much for me in this situation, maybe. I came home exhausted! // visiting Felix again, little baby boy of one of my best friends I know since preschool. so precious! // I love love love this collage of Twiggy and the flowers. did not make it myself, unfortunately, just found it on Instagram a while ago // in bed for days, but never alone. her name is Twiggy too and love love love her as well! ;) // high tea at the family reunion. colorful yummieness! // me again at the station. choose to wear a linen black dress to the reunion, and with a leather jacket and cutout boots you just can't go wrong. 

How was your week? And what about the weekend? 

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