Aah, my phone broke down!! It wasn't charging anymore. They think it's a software problem, I get it back in about 2 weeks. And, all my pictures are gone! I'm a year behind with my back-up, so I lost a lot. Arrrgh!
With the pictures I already uploaded to facebook I made this diary. A recap of last week: 

a whole friday with my darling Daisy! I was helping her with the styling for the photoshoot for her new website - I will tell you more about that later - and it's always fun when we're together ♥ // my life. :) // obsessed with white cats much? // Rotterdam! Willemsbrug and De Hef, my city's pride // wishlist material! // Gijssie was very dirty when he came in last morning. He looks a bit like Zorro right? 

I'm up to a lazy Sunday, how about you? Enjoy your day! 


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